ART Modern

Future Energy

Future Energy

Stirred, shaken, centered, focused, united, divided, subtracted, adapted, arranged or just the view from a different perspective.

The page Modern Art includes following sequences:


Future Trend


Worlds Food

Just klick on the specific category and you can see the whole sequence.

Not only a photo, it is Modern Art.

The ideas and inspiration for these various sequences (Worlds Food, New System, Structure, City Concentrate) were quite different and diverse. But it was mainly influential by the book, “The Colour Dictionary” by Axel Venn and Janina Venn-Rosky, Callwey Verlag. Das_Farbwoerterbuch

This book illustrate in an impressive way, that you do not need specific and defined details and motifs in a picture to get a special feeling, an emotions, impressions and memories. Much more important than a sharp imaged subject is rather the color scheme, the ratio of the colors to each other and their intensity. Colorful lines alone are enough to create an aesthetic expression.

Just recently I made a new room design, such a color composition to the wall, and I was more than convinced of its effect in the room.

2015-09-02 18.56.25_1

I understand those color compositions as individual finger-color prints. To demonstrate this uniqueness and distinctiveness, I have reduced the photos accordingly focused, enlarged or even changed so that no motive remains visible, but the individual color composition is visible.