Spice It Up!
Your mouth will start to water and you can immediately taste the fresh, Mediterranean cuisine. Tomatoes, garlic and chilli are an important ingredient in most traditional dishes and you can…
Underground Tracks
Even if this picture looks pretty static at first glance, you will be captivated if you look at it for a longer period of time. Deeper and deeper in, you…
A fairy tale from 1001 Nights.
Here in Oman, the stories from the Orient come alive and you can immerse yourself in the mysterious world of 1001 Nights. In the streets and in the souks is…
Hidden Secrets
Let´s Play!
Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. More than 7 million inhabitants live in just 1,113 square kilometers. The city is also considered to…
Table Mountain
When it comes to Cape Town, the media likes to get creative to give this special place an appropriate name. The most colorful, the most diverse, the most beautiful, the…
HEX #F04A00
This color coordinate stand for the color “International Orange”. But even without this name, the building that bears the color is world-famous. Anyone who has seen it with their own…
Blue Butler
These dumb butlers look like blue cranes, ready to welcome and serve the guests. Fortunately, they only provide the cool shade, the friendly bar staff is in charge for everything…