About the Blog

… “The public has a right to art.
The public has been ignored by most contemporary artists.
The public needs art, and it is the responsibility of a self-proclaimed artist to realize that the public needs art, and not to provide a bourgeois art for the few while ignoring the mass.
Art is there for all. 

Keith Haring

Hardly another quote fits so well on this blog and the intention behind it as the quote from Keith Haring above. I heard this quote when I was still pondering about this blog. (At the great Keith Haring exhibition at the Kunsthalle in Munich in August 2015), whether I should make this blog, if anyone ever wants to see my art ….

But now I know, that I do not have to decide that, but you, dear visitors and viewers, if you think it is worth to read my blog and join me on my adventure. I appreciate every single comment of you and also want to now about your interpretations of the individual images.

Kamera Sicht is a special travel blog with pictures in Photo Art, “Happy New Discover” and enjoy the individual works.